18 Treffer — zeige 1 bis 18:

Lichtoptische und geochemische Analyse der Tephraschichten aus dem Hinkelsmaar in der Westeifel Vögtli, Martina 2019

The Lateglacial to early Holocene tephrochronological record from Lake Hämelsee, Germany : a key site within the European tephra framework Jones, Gwydion; Lane, Christine S.; Brauer, Achim 2018

The ELSA tephra stack : volcanic activity in the Eifel during the last 500,000 years Förster, Michael W.; Sirocko, Frank 2016

Copper isotope behavior during extreme magma differentiation and degassing : a case study on Laacher See phonolite tephra (East Eifel, Germany) Huang, Jian; Liu, Sheng-Ao; Wörner, Gerhard; Yu, Huimin; Xiao, Yilin 2016

The Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy of annually laminated sediments from Meerfelder Maar, Germany Lane, Christine S. 2015

Characterisation of Andosols from Laacher See tephra by wet-chemical and spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, 27Al-, 29Si-NMR) Rennert, Thilo 2014

Tracing the Laacher See Tephra in the varved sediment record of the Trzechowskie palaeolake in central Northern Poland Wulf, Sabine 2013

A tephrochronology for the Lateglacial palynological record of the Endinger Bruch (Vorpommern, north-east Germany) Lane, Christine S.; Klerk, Pim ¬de¬; Cullen, Victoria 2012

Composition of tephra of the Goldberg volcano (West Eifel, Germany) and search for its dispersion Cools, Sebastian; Juvigné, Etienne; Pouclet, André 2011

Environmental impact of the Laacher See eruption at a large distance from the volcano : integrated palaeoecological studies from Vorpommern (NE Germany) Klerk, Pim ¬de¬ 2008

Phase equilibria of the Lower Laacher See Tephra (East Eifel, Germany) : constraints on pre-eruptive storage conditions of a phonolitic magma reservoir Harms, Eduard; Gardner, James E.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich / 1937- 2004

Opal phytolith assemblages of Allerφdian soils below Laacher See Tephra, Eastern Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany Sase, Takashi; Hosono, Mamoru; Waldmann, Georg; Kimura, Jun; Aoki, Kumiko 2003

Die Vegetation NO-Deutschlands vor und nach dem Ausbruch des Laacher See-Vulkans (12880 cal. BP) Theuerkauf, Martin 2003

Die Laacher See-Tephra in Nordostdeutschland : paläoökologische Untersuchungen mit hoher zeitlicher und räumlicher Auflösung Theuerkauf, Martin 2002

The Upper Laacher Tephra in Lake Geneva sediments : paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatological implications Moscariello, Andrea; Costa, Fidel 1997

Vulkanasche aus der Eifel in Nordrügen : ein erdgeschichtlicher Rückblick Kliewe, Heinz 1996

The occurrence of Laacher See Tephra in Pomerania, NW Poland Juvigné, Etienne; Kozarski, Stefan; Nowaczyk, Boleslaw 1995

The impact of the Laacher See Tephra on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Black Forest, southern germany Lotter, André F.; Birks, H. John B. 1993

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