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1090 Treffer in Sachgebiete > Stratigraphie — zeige 26 bis 50:

Die Bildung von Isotopenproxies in organisch-klastischen Seesedimenten : Von der Beobachtung zum Verständnis des Informationstransfers in den Maarseen der Vulkaneifel Lücke, Andreas; Moschen, Robert; Schleser, Gerhard H.; Vos, Heinz 2018

Auffällige Horizonte und besondere Faziesmerkmale Dittrich, Doris 2017

Comparative palynofacies, magnetic susceptibility and cyclicity of the Middle Devonian Müllertchen Section (Eifel area, Germany) Brocke, Rainer; Brett, Carlton E.; Ellwood, Brooks B. 2017

Pleniglacial sedimentation process reconstruction on laminated lacustrine sediments from lava-dammed Paleolake Alf, West Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany) Eichhorn, Luise; Pirrung, Michael; Zolitschka, Bernd; Büchel, Georg 2017

Varved sediment responses to early Holocene climate and environmental changes in Lake Meerfelder Maar (Germany) obtained from multivariate analyses of micro X-ray fluorescence core scanning data Martin-Puertas, Celia; Tjallingii, Rik; Bloemsma, Menno; Brauer, Achim 2017

Geologie und Bergbau in der Gemarkung Erbes-Büdesheim Haneke, Jost / 1950-; Kuhn, Wilfried 2017

The ELSA tephra stack : volcanic activity in the Eifel during the last 500,000 years Förster, Michael W.; Sirocko, Frank 2016

The ELSA - Stacks (Eifel-Laminated-Sediment-Archive) : an introduction Sirocko, Frank 2016

Auf zur Küstenwanderung : der "Strandpfad der Sinne" in Eckelsheim lädt ein auf eine Reise in Rheinhessens erdgeschichtliche Vergangenheit - vor 30 Millionen Jahren waren weite Teile der Region von einem subtropischen Meer überflutet Schröder, Torben 2016

Bioerosion auf Rhyolith im westlichen Mainzer Becken Kuhn, Winfried 2016

Zur stratigraphischen Stellung der pfälzischen Oberen Feldzone (Mittlerer Buntsandstein) Dittrich, Doris 2016

The ELSA-Flood-Stack : a reconstruction from the laminated sediments of Eifel maar structures during the last 60 000 years Brunck, Heiko; Sirocko, Frank; Albert, J. 2016

The ELSA-Vegetation-Stack : reconstruction of Landscape Evolution Zones (LEZ) from laminated Eifel maar sediments of the last 60,000 years Sirocko, Frank; Knapp, Hannes; Dreher, Frank 2016

Late Pleistocene aeolian dust provenances and wind direction changes reconstructed by heavy mineral analysis of the sediments of the Dehner dry maar (Eifel, Germany) Römer, Wolfgang; Lehmkuhl, Frank; Sirocko, Frank 2016

50 Millionen Jahre Erdgeschichte - Formationen im Mainzer Becken Grimm, Kirsten I. / 1965- 2016

A revised sedimentological model for the late Oligocene crater lake Enspel (Enspel Formation, Westerwald Mountains, Germany) Schindler, Thomas; 036-990927b 2015

High-resolution palynological evidence for vegetation response to the Laacher See eruption from the varved record of Meerfelder Maar (Germany) and other central European records Engels, Stefan 2015

Semi-automated detection of annual laminae (varves) in lake sediments using a fuzzy logic algorithm Ebert, Thomas; Trauth, Martin H. 2015

15,000 years of black carbon deposition : a post-glacial fire record from maar lake sediments (Germany) Lehndorff, Eva 2015

Sedimentationsgeschichte der Oppenheim-Formation im Mainzer Becken und angrenzenden tertiären Senkungsgebieten Schäfer, Peter / 1951-; Kadolsky, Dietrich 2015

The Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy of annually laminated sediments from Meerfelder Maar, Germany Lane, Christine S. 2015

D/H ratios of methoxyl groups of the sedimentary organic matter of Lake Holzmaar (Eifel, Germany) : a potential palaeoclimate/-hydrology proxy Anhäuser, Tobias 2014

A 2600-year record of past polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) deposition at Holzmaar (Eifel, Germany) Bandowe, Benjamin Acham Musa / 1976- 2014

Elevated temperature IRSL dating of loess sections in the East Eifel region of Germany Schmidt, Esther Dorothe / 1979- 2014

Stable isotopic evidence for Middle Pleistocene environmental change from a loess-paleosol sequence : Kärlich, Germany Gallant, Claire E. 2014

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