Die Bildung von Isotopenproxies in organisch-klastischen Seesedimenten : Von der Beobachtung zum Verständnis des Informationstransfers in den Maarseen der Vulkaneifel
Lücke, Andreas; Moschen, Robert; Schleser, Gerhard H.; Vos, Heinz |
2018 |
Auffällige Horizonte und besondere Faziesmerkmale
Dittrich, Doris |
2017 |
Comparative palynofacies, magnetic susceptibility and cyclicity of the Middle Devonian Müllertchen Section (Eifel area, Germany)
Brocke, Rainer; Brett, Carlton E.; Ellwood, Brooks B. |
2017 |
Pleniglacial sedimentation process reconstruction on laminated lacustrine sediments from lava-dammed Paleolake Alf, West Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany)
Eichhorn, Luise; Pirrung, Michael; Zolitschka, Bernd; Büchel, Georg |
2017 |
Varved sediment responses to early Holocene climate and environmental changes in Lake Meerfelder Maar (Germany) obtained from multivariate analyses of micro X-ray fluorescence core scanning data
Martin-Puertas, Celia; Tjallingii, Rik; Bloemsma, Menno; Brauer, Achim |
2017 |
Geologie und Bergbau in der Gemarkung Erbes-Büdesheim
Haneke, Jost / 1950-; Kuhn, Wilfried |
2017 |
The ELSA tephra stack : volcanic activity in the Eifel during the last 500,000 years
Förster, Michael W.; Sirocko, Frank |
2016 |
The ELSA - Stacks (Eifel-Laminated-Sediment-Archive) : an introduction
Sirocko, Frank |
2016 |
Auf zur Küstenwanderung : der "Strandpfad der Sinne" in Eckelsheim lädt ein auf eine Reise in Rheinhessens erdgeschichtliche Vergangenheit - vor 30 Millionen Jahren waren weite Teile der Region von einem subtropischen Meer überflutet
Schröder, Torben |
2016 |
Bioerosion auf Rhyolith im westlichen Mainzer Becken
Kuhn, Winfried |
2016 |
Zur stratigraphischen Stellung der pfälzischen Oberen Feldzone (Mittlerer Buntsandstein)
Dittrich, Doris |
2016 |
The ELSA-Flood-Stack : a reconstruction from the laminated sediments of Eifel maar structures during the last 60 000 years
Brunck, Heiko; Sirocko, Frank; Albert, J. |
2016 |
The ELSA-Vegetation-Stack : reconstruction of Landscape Evolution Zones (LEZ) from laminated Eifel maar sediments of the last 60,000 years
Sirocko, Frank; Knapp, Hannes; Dreher, Frank |
2016 |
Late Pleistocene aeolian dust provenances and wind direction changes reconstructed by heavy mineral analysis of the sediments of the Dehner dry maar (Eifel, Germany)
Römer, Wolfgang; Lehmkuhl, Frank; Sirocko, Frank |
2016 |
50 Millionen Jahre Erdgeschichte - Formationen im Mainzer Becken
Grimm, Kirsten I. / 1965- |
2016 |
A revised sedimentological model for the late Oligocene crater lake Enspel (Enspel Formation, Westerwald Mountains, Germany)
Schindler, Thomas; 036-990927b |
2015 |
High-resolution palynological evidence for vegetation response to the Laacher See eruption from the varved record of Meerfelder Maar (Germany) and other central European records
Engels, Stefan |
2015 |
Semi-automated detection of annual laminae (varves) in lake sediments using a fuzzy logic algorithm
Ebert, Thomas; Trauth, Martin H. |
2015 |
15,000 years of black carbon deposition : a post-glacial fire record from maar lake sediments (Germany)
Lehndorff, Eva |
2015 |
Sedimentationsgeschichte der Oppenheim-Formation im Mainzer Becken und angrenzenden tertiären Senkungsgebieten
Schäfer, Peter / 1951-; Kadolsky, Dietrich |
2015 |
The Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy of annually laminated sediments from Meerfelder Maar, Germany
Lane, Christine S. |
2015 |
D/H ratios of methoxyl groups of the sedimentary organic matter of Lake Holzmaar (Eifel, Germany) : a potential palaeoclimate/-hydrology proxy
Anhäuser, Tobias |
2014 |
A 2600-year record of past polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) deposition at Holzmaar (Eifel, Germany)
Bandowe, Benjamin Acham Musa / 1976- |
2014 |
Elevated temperature IRSL dating of loess sections in the East Eifel region of Germany
Schmidt, Esther Dorothe / 1979- |
2014 |
Stable isotopic evidence for Middle Pleistocene environmental change from a loess-paleosol sequence : Kärlich, Germany
Gallant, Claire E. |
2014 |